

  • 3~4千
  • 本科 / 经验 2年以上 / 性别:不限 / 年龄不限
  • 安徽省合肥市
  • 招聘1人


Job Description:
A vacancy has arisen for a Sales Executive within the Architect & Design sector, to be based in Shanghai. Reporting to our Business Director this is an exciting opportunity to work for a global organisation.

Key Tasks and Accountabilities:
? Developing and strengthening our existing sales base within the A&D market
? 主要针对设计师、设计公司进行产品销售,维护客户对公司服务和产品的使用忠诚度;
? Identify further opportunities to build sales and raise the profile of our product portfolio;
? 能够识别潜在客户,并与之建立合作关系,提高我司产品的知名度;
? Identify major projects for specification;
? 重点把握重大项目;
? Monitoring of ongoing projects;
? 为客户提供报价,跟单及售后的全程服务;
? Manage, liaise with, motivate and train agents to assist in selling / promoting the Camira brand
? 与代理商保持良好关系,定期对其沟通和培训,使其能够协助销售和推广Camira品牌;
? Attend trade shows as required within China
? 按要求参加中国地区的相关展会及市场推广活动;
? Liaise with Customer Services team to ensure best possible service to customers;
? 经常与英国总部的客服人员沟通,确保给客户提供最完善的服务;
? Identify customer requirements and new trends within the market
? 准确识别客户意向,正确分析市场内的新趋势;
? Participate in regular sales meetings as and when necessary;
? 定期参加销售会议;
? Build up a communication network with UK colleagues, in particular those working with Architect & Designers
? 与英国同事保持良好沟通,尤其是那些常与设计师或设计公司合作的同事;
? Prepare a monthly report detailing general activities.
? 做月报,详述日常的销售动向。

Knowledge & Experience Required
? Ideally educated to degree level or equivalent
? 本科及以上学历
? 2 to 3 years sales experience in the Architect & Designer market
? 至少2到3年的针对设计师或设计公司的销售经验
? A thorough knowledge of the route to achieving specifications in the contract sector
? 熟知如何能够持续获得客户订单;
? Knowledge of the Shanghai area and its demands;
? 熟悉上海地区及其相关制度;
? A proven track record of achievements;
? 对之前的工作有所成就;
? A track record of working within a global organisation
? 有在全球性公司内工作过的经验;
? Outgoing personality;
? 性格外向;
? Self motivated and flexible;
? 懂得自我激励,处事灵活;
? Ability and willingness to travel;
? 适应经常出差;
? A great communicator to all levels
? 反应敏捷,表达能力强,具有较强的沟通能力及交际技巧,具有亲和力;
? Fluent in spoken and written English & Mandarin Chinese.
? 英语听说读写流利,精通普通话;
? Fast learner
? 善于学习;
? Ability to use own initiative
? 工作积极主动;
? Comfortable working on own
? 自觉完成工作任务;
? Independent thinker and a self motivator
? 具有独立思考能力,善于自我激励;
? Personable personality
? 容易相处,具有团队精神;
? A background in design or textiles is beneficial but not essential as full training will be given
? 有设计或纺织背景尤佳但不是必须。

Please email applications, together with salary expectations in English to brigitte.heimrath@camirafabrics.com
立即交谈 感兴趣 投简历 举报
安全提示:速招猫严禁企业做出损害求职者合法权益的行为,包括但不限于传销、扣押证件/财物、付费培训、贷款、集资入股等行为!严防 “诱导求职者贷款买车,声称买车后会每月派单,诱导求职者异地入职、异地参与培训等,” 等形式的诈骗行为!一旦发现请立即向本站举报。【在线投诉】。或加交流QQ群:902340051 入群验证:速招猫。


金融/投资/证券 集体企业 500~1000人 合肥市





